I've been looking at blogs to get ideas and learn more about quilting. I got excited when I came across Pile O' Fabric blog. She has a skill builder block of a month class designed to build your skills. I looked through the 2013 and 2014 BOM and saw several techniques I had never heard of before. I started stalking her website waiting for the announcement of the 2015 quilt. I was hoping it was going to be a good design. I was definitely not disappointed!
The Pile O' Fabric 2015 BOM is Technicolor Galaxy.
When I first so this, I couldn't wait to get started. I didn't even know a design like this was even possible for quilting.
As part of the class we received a color sheet to design our own quilts. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to do the prescribed design or change it up. I looked at Instagram #skillbuilderbom and #technicolorgalaxy and so some other people's ideas and thought I'd give another color scheme a try!
I wanted the center to have the coloring of the sun where it is darker in the middle and go out. Here is a rough coloring of what I have in mind. The background will be dark colors.
I bought the templates from Pile O' Fabric (which I'd strongly suggest if you decide to join the class). Before the first lesson in February, I preped the templates and pulled the fabrics for the first 2 months (the color wheel and star points). For Christmas presents from my family, I got money to start a stash! I bought ever fat quarters in a rainbow of colors and pulled most of the fabrics from the stash 😄
For the first block, the center color wheel, we cut the fabric to the right size, glued it to muslim and made bias tape to shape in circles on top. It was an interesting technique. It took me several tried to figure out how to properly make the bias tape but after I figured it out, it wasn't too bad!
This is the shaping of the bias tape.
Then I laid it onto the glued pieces and stitched it down.
Then I basted the quilt and did FMQ. I love the final result! Not bad for a beginner 😀